Sallyann Bousfield, Australia

SMBC - Double Donor

Clinic: Cape Fertility Clinic, South Africa

No Eggs Collected: 19

No Embryos: 9 x 5 day embryos

No Transfers: 1 - pregnant with twins

Children: Wyatt & Aria

Tonight I had the pleasure of chatting with Sallyann. I have loved watching her journey. Especially as we both have donor conceived kids from South Africa! It was amazing to delve more into her story - enjoy the read!

Tell me a little bit about your journey

“I was 30 when I decided that I wanted to be a mum.” Sallyann told me. Fast forward a few years and with no Mr Right on the scene. On her 34th birthday she was sitting in her first fertility specialist appointment. The doctor alluded to her that it “shouldn't take that long to get you pregnant”. But that was further from the truth.

Before starting fertility treatment, Sallyann underwent a massive personal transformation and lost 55kg. She thought with this radical change that falling pregnant would be easy.

After completing 4 full cycles of IVF with her own eggs and donor sperm over 3 years. Her doctor suggested it was time to move onto donor eggs. Her embryos never made it to day 5 and could never be transferred. This was due to her egg quality and also the quantity of eggs collected.

Why did you go to South Africa?

Sallyann did try and look here in Australia via some different FB groups. But didn't feel she “connected” with anyone. After speaking with another single mum by choice who was also going down the donor egg path. Two countries were mentioned: South Africa or Greece. After having an initial meeting with Cape Fertility Clinic. The decision to head over to South Africa was made.

How did you pick your egg donor?

“I didn’t go down the path of choosing a donor exactly like me.” Sallyann told me. Although she did have some criteria:

  • Proven donor

  • Below 28 yrs of age

  • Good medical history

Once Sallyann narrowed down this criteria, it was more about “the feel” of the profile. The donor she picked she kept coming back to and that was the sign she was the one!

Did anyone offer you any eggs during your initial search?

Like most women, Sallyann advertised in Australia. A friend did offer to donate her eggs. But after further discussions about potential children being siblings to her friends' kids. The conversation ended.

“Because I knew what IVF was like on your body, I didn't want to ask anyone in my family.” Sallyann told me. Her only small regret is that the egg donor is anonymous - but that was her decision and she will live with that. BUT on the plus side - Sallyann has found half siblings here in Australia that used the same sperm donor! Funnily enough, this was discovered in a SMBC FB Group!

Did you have support from family & friends on your journey?

Absolutely! Everyone has been supportive from the very beginning.

What is it like being a single mum with twins?

“I don't know any different.” Sallyann told me. Because I have always had twins - I don’t know how it is any different with having 1 baby. There are definitely days when it can be challenging, especially given Wyatt’s health. Otherwise I only know life as a mum of twins!

With 7 x day 5 embryos left in storage - what are your thoughts on this?

“This is definitely TBD (to be decided).” Sallyann laughed when I asked her this question. “Until Wyatt and Aria are at school (in another 3 or 4 years), then I will work out what’s next.” Being on my own, there are so many other factors to consider. Do I take the children with me, keep them at home, then who looks after them?

Do you have any books on donor conception for the kids?

We sure do! Education is key for me and my family. I am open about the twins conception and we read books about it all the time.

Happy Together

The Pea that was Me

A Tiny Itsy Bitsy Gift of Life

Donor Conception Network

What’s your one piece of advice for other women going down this path?

Whilst Sallyann gave lots of little snippets of great advice! Such as getting your finances together, working out exactly how this will all work. What resonated was this piece of gold “get your village together.” This village includes some friends that have been with her since the beginning. Plus now some local single mums. “Be honest and open - if you need help, ask for it.”


Natasha, Canada